Friday 29 April 2022

Show HN: Colorfle – A daily color mixing game inspired by Wordle

Show HN: Colorfle – A daily color mixing game inspired by Wordle Hi HN, I was inspired by Wordle to make Colorfle, a different take on the genre where the goal is to mix colors together to match the target color within six tries. There were some interesting problems to tackle in making this game, one of them being the difference between mixing digital colors and real-life behavior (in RGB, blue + yellow = grey!). I hope you enjoy it -- any feedback would be much appreciated! April 29, 2022 at 08:20PM

Show HN: Balloons - A clicker game generated by OpenAI Codex

Show HN: Balloons - A clicker game generated by OpenAI Codex April 30, 2022 at 03:52AM

Show HN: Radiopaper – Troll-resistant public conversations

Show HN: Radiopaper – Troll-resistant public conversations Hi HN! We're a bootstrapped team of 4 and have been building Radiopaper for around 16 months alongside other full-time, part-time, and consulting jobs. I wanted to highlight a couple of the unique characteristics of Radiopaper that may not be immediately apparent when browsing * It's possible to interact with Radiopaper entirely by email, and never log-in interactively. The notification emails contain context that explains that if you reply to the email, your message will be published on * The key mechanism that makes Radiopaper different from other social networks, and more resistant to trolling and abuse, is that messages are not published until the counterparty replies or accepts your comment. You can read more about this in our manifesto at The technical stack is a Vue/TypeScript app talking to an API backend written in Go, running on Cloud Run, and using Firestore for persistence, Firebase Auth for authentication. Email processing is handled through the Gmail API hooked up to a Cloud Pubsub notification which triggers another Cloud Run service. Outbound emails go through SendGrid. The whole stack "scales-to-zero", and on days that we have a few hundred active users, we're still under the free limits of Firebase Hosting, Cloud Run & Firestore, so this has allowed us to operate for a long time without funding or revenue. Our overall burn rate is around $40/month, mostly from the smattering of other SaaS offerings we use: Sentry, Mixpanel, Github & SendGrid. Dave & I discuss our tech stack in a little more detail in this conversation: The team (myself, daave, davidschaengold, youngnh) will be around to answer any questions! April 30, 2022 at 02:48AM

Show HN: Djaz-Envelope: DocuSign like e-signature

Show HN: Djaz-Envelope: DocuSign like e-signature Landing: Application: Share one or more documents to sign or view by recipients. This is called Envelope in Djaz. You can also just sign own document without using Envelope. And than include it in Envelope for viewing. Watch here for details: April 30, 2022 at 01:43AM

Show HN: Porting Zelda Classic to the Web

Show HN: Porting Zelda Classic to the Web I spent the last two months porting Zelda Classic, a 20+ year old C++ Allegro program, to the web. If you're a fan of the 2D Zelda games, you'll likely find some very enjoyable games here. I also write at length about the process of porting a large C++ application to the web. April 30, 2022 at 12:27AM

Thursday 28 April 2022

Show HN: A unique to-do app that helps you focus on what truly matters

Show HN: A unique to-do app that helps you focus on what truly matters April 29, 2022 at 06:06AM

Show HN: WeakVim, My attempt at a modular, transparent starter kit for Neovim

Show HN: WeakVim, My attempt at a modular, transparent starter kit for Neovim Hi all, I _love_ Neovim. However, I think many parts of it could be easier to configure or understand, especially when it comes to LSPs. There's a ton of plugins that fill the gap, but some of them are sparse in documentation. There's also distributions like LunarVim that attempt to add a Doom Emacs-like layer above. My approach is a bit different, simply giving an opinionated, modular, and documented configuration that an interested user can easily modify to their needs. It makes use of the most helpful plugins I've encountered to create the best experience I could muster while retaining an air of simplicity. I hope this is helpful to someone out there! April 29, 2022 at 05:33AM